网易彩票下载成立于125年前, the University has been preparing some of the most sought-after educators in the region for more than 90 years. 今天,进入教育学院的研究生课程竞争非常激烈. Faculty members — each teaching his or her own courses and each holding a doctorate — have worked to develop rigorous 项目 of quality.
网易彩票下载教育学院提供十多个研究生项目. 你可以从三个博士项目中选择, 7个硕士学位项目, 还有五个认证项目, 所有这些都集中在能力的发展上, 字符, 领导, 以及教育工作者的服务. 而许多学生接受培训成为教师, 其他人则准备担任学校辅导员, 校长, 负责人, 民政事务处人员, 或者是高等教育的教授. SPU在华盛顿和全国的P-12教育中享有很高的声誉, students who complete our graduate degree and certificate 项目 enjoy a higher rate of employment than the state’s average.
的 项目管理员证书 program at SPU prepares candidates for administrative positions in a school 区 central office, 资源中心, 或其他行政中心. 成功完成课程后, you will be recommended to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) for a Residency Program Administrator Certificate in Washington state. 大多数州都有互惠协议,允许证书在州之间转移. Applicants who have earned Residency Program Administrator certification from SPU may earn a Principal Certificate by completing 6 additional internship credits.
- 完成教师
专家,有爱心的教师有帮助学生成功的愿望. 教师以在他们的教育项目期间和之后指导他们的学生而闻名. 这些教授通过自己的学术活动为终身学习树立了榜样, 经常发布, 并在专业会议上发表演讲.
- AACU会员
西雅图 Pacific is a member of the Association of American Colleges and Universities and of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. SPU认证项目由华盛顿州专业教育标准委员会批准. 的 教育学院 is also a member of the Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education, 有一章, 等于, Chi Sigma Iota, 一个国际荣誉协会,重视学术和专业卓越的咨询.
- 深刻的性格强调
建立在品格教育的基础上, SPU的研究生课程通过基督教信仰和价值观的视角提供一流的教育. 学生选修道德课程,品格问题贯穿整个课程.
- 灵活的格式
Courses are offered on campus and online via a synchronous meeting platform; Summer Sessions are held on campus late-June to mid-August.
- 联系校友
教育学院 graduates move on to purposeful careers in schools and 区-level 领导 throughout the country. 当你从SPU教育学院获得研究生学位时, 你加入了一个校友社区,他们保持着联系.